To Whom it may concern,
Where does police surveillance overstep the privacy of the people they are sworn to serve and protect? Who holds those accountable for personal vendettas using their position as law enforcement? Punishable under Article 42, Government officials, including police officers, may be required to pay monetary damages to a victim of wrongful arrest, according to Title 42, Section 1983 of the U.S. Code. A wrongful arrest is a violation of constitutional rights.
Hummelstown police staked out the apartment of my daughter, who recently moved back to Pennsylvania after 18 years to be reunited with her family, only to be targeted by the same officer who swore she would put her brother in prison. This officer lied about the actions of her brother to get him convicted. Now she is continuing her personal vendetta by targeting the sister.
Hummelstown police took garbage outside the apartment to find probable cause to get a search warrant. They found Cannabis stems in a garbage bag, got a search warrant to find one peace pipe and a Cannabis roach in the apartment. Now my daughter has been fingerprinted and put into the Criminal Justice System. These actions stem from profiling and Targeting for THREE Generations. Enough is enough. All those who are responsible for these wrong doings, Will Be Held Accountable.
There is a hearing 8am at District Justice Pelino on July 25th. DJ Pelino is the same person who propositioned me as an 18 year old girl when I worked at I Hop restaurant in Hershey. I thwarted his advances and my family has been under attack ever since. He has continually violated the 1st, 4th , 5th, 8th and 14th Amendment rights to prosecute my family. How can my daughter get Justice when the opposite is the example of his judgment? I will gladly submit to taking a Polygraph to prove these statements are true.
In contacting the Pennsylvania Chief Justice Ronald Castile’s office, in regards to the mistreatment of Shellby’s brothers by the Criminal Justice System, it has been verified there are legal grounds for a lawsuit. By profiting off the disease of alcoholism, refusing treatment violated their Civil Rights. These latest actions of the Hummelstown police prove this.
Lisa Landis
To whom it may concern,
This letter is written in regards to my sons. They have been repeat offenders, violating probation due to their fatal disease of Alcoholism. Recognized by the American Medical Association as a fatal illness, we question why we keep treating alcoholics as criminals? Is it just to profit the criminal justice system or is rehabilitation the goal?
If you want to make a difference in the recidivism rate, the breakdown in the family unit, and lower the prison numbers then treatment needs to be an option. Education regarding the disease is needed before diagnosis can occur. With 75-80% of people incarcerated under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of arrest, we can no longer ignore this issue.
The criminal justice system has contributed to the destruction of my family. I am a survivor of 18 years of domestic violence. There was no one or shelter to take children and animals in. After trying and starting over, In February 1995, I had enough abuse; the boys were involved in an accident with their father when he was drunk. I made him leave and his father evicted his grandchildren and me three days later. Then, I lost everything, business, house, animals, children, and my mind to the insanity of alcoholism.
My children have survived much trauma. Their father received three months probation when he demolished my car we were sitting in, with an axe. He would pay no support causing us to lose our place of residences. No shelter would take us in because we had animals. I received a fine when my horse was eating grass in the neighbor’s yard and my father in law gets no punishment for having 21 sticks of dynamite lying around. The boys thought they were flares and were trying to light them. I could go on with many more horror stories of abuse suffered at the hands of their father. No woman or child should ever suffer as we did. Now to see the pattern continue with my children, enough is enough.
The police who slapped their father on the hands for his wrong doings became the magistrates that set exceedingly high bonds, violating their 8th Amendment rights. The probation officers who continually stated their intent on prison and not treatment as I repeatedly requested. Treatment that makes a difference, they have a chemical imbalance of the brain that needs to be addressed on top of PTSD.
There should be a Law enacted that No elected officials should have stock in alcohol, pharmaceutical, or the private prisons. These industries only capitalize on the disease and decay in Society. With the money spent on repeat offenders what ultimate cost to Society if people were educated to be productive members?
Thank you for researching their records.
Seems like I am a roll revealing corruption in local Government, just received this letter from the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania:
Dear Ms. Landis,
Your correspondence was received and reviewed. The Canons of Judicial Conduct prohibit judicial officers from discussing matters that may come before this Court with litigants or the public. All communications presented to the Court must be through appropriate filings with the Prothonotary of the Supreme Court, in full compliance with the Rules of Appellate Procedure.
There will be no further response from this office.
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania